Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Periodically we'll be having special promotions for our readers, including giveaways! Our very first promotion involves our newly created mailing list. It's that nifty box at the top of the column on the far right. Mailing list members will receive periodic updates on what's going on with Weiswomen Creations and be notified of new product lines, special events, and sales. Your information will never be shared and we promise not to spam you!
Here's our mailing list promotion: The first 10 people to sign up will receive free shipping (anywhere in the world - we ship internationally) on their Weiswomen Creations order. I'll e-mail the lucky winners with a special code to use for free shipping on an order.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Well, I'm not 100% perfect today and neither is the blog but I think we're both better! I have my new template mostly set up - I know the fonts need to be bigger. I've recreated the blog roll and other widgets. If your blog was previously linked and it's gone please let me know. This latest incarnation of the blog still needs some tweaking but at least it's not the hot mess it was last night! As for me, I'm not a hot mess anymore but I'm not 100% back to full health either. Here's hoping everything is back to full functioning very soon.
The free shipping offer in the previous post still stands - I'll keep it up until someone comments with the answer!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
So yeah, you're not seeing things...the blog has been changing all afternoon. Since I'm pretty much couch-bound today due to my cold/illness/whatever I spent all day on my laptop and decided that my blogger template was boring. I found a new one and have now lost most of the page elements I spent so much time setting up. Changes will probably continue until I fix everything or get frustrated - whatever comes first. Please bear with me!
*Free shipping on a Weiswomen Creations order for the first person who correctly identifies this reference in the comments!

Ugh...I know it's not the end of the world but I am seriously annoyed to be feeling sick right now! I came home from Michigan to find my bead order waiting for me but haven't been able to play with my new sparkly pretties because now I'm sick. I have a bunch of blog posts I want to write but my brain is all foggy. I swear - new non-whiny blog content coming soon! To tide you over, here's a pretty picture of one of my favorite pairs of earrings. I loved them so much that after I made a pair for my store I immediately made another pair for myself. I love the Fire Opal Swarovski Crystals and the sterling silver charms are especially cool because they are feather-light.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Don't worry, it's not always about beads here! To prove it, I wanted to share a fun site I stumbled upon this morning. It's called Netdisaster and it's one of those sites that is totally useless but sucks you and may cause uncontrollable giggling. The premise is simple: type in the URL of a site you'd like to "destroy" (don 't worry, nothing is really damaged) and then choose your disaster. There are natural disasters like meteors or even flower power (one of my favorites) or an attack from Mars or a baby with a crayon. It's vandalizing without consequences, so, go ahead and work out your frustrations to your heart's content!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I've been cruelly separated from my beads this weekend - my husband and I are visiting his family for Passover right now. We're having a really nice time and carefully avoiding any leavened bread. But it's possible that my most recent bead order is sitting in my mailbox at home right this second! I was sitting here sadly thinking about all the pretty new beads that I could playing with and then my mother-in-law saved the day - she gave me a wooden box filled with beaded jewelry that was mine to keep! I could do anything I wanted with it, including take it apart and use the beads to make new creations. So, now I have a box of treasures to tide me over until I get back to Boston.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

One of the risks of having a jewelry business is that you are constantly tempted by your own creations. I try to exercise some restraint and have been somewhat successful but these channel set Swarovski drop earrings are making it increasingly difficult – I want a pair in every color!
They are simple, elegant, sparkly, affordable, and appropriate for any occasion, day or evening. There are 7 different colors listed in our online store but they are available in 25 colors. To add even more options they are available in two sizes, 4mm & 6mm, and two settings, rhodium plated & gold plated. So, you are able to design the perfect pair just for you!

Available in all sizes: Crystal, Light Rose, Rose, Fuchsia, Siam, Smoked Topaz, Topaz, Light Colorado Topaz, Jonquil, Peridot, Emerald, Blue Zircon, Aqua, Light Sapphire, Sapphire, Light Amethyst, Amethyst, Black Diamond, Jet
Available in 6mm only: Light Peach, Padparadscha, Crystal Golden Shadow, Chrysolite, Ernite, Tanzanite
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Showing off two very different pieces of cloisonne today. I like the one on the left because it's a less traditional look. I love the star pattern, it's not something I've seen on cloisonne beads very often. The closionne earrings on the right are pretty cool because of the colors used in the design and the teardrop and dot pattern - I was really drawn to them in the store. These beads for those were from one of my favorite local bead shops, Lily's Beads.
If you're curious about the origins of cloisonne and want to learn more I have some information posted my squidoo lens.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

You could say that I've been on a bit of a cloisonne kick lately. I've always loved these colorful enamel beads but my love went into high gear on a recent trip to NYC. I spent almost 4 years living in Manhattan and truly miss it. Don't get me wrong, I adore my life here in Boston with my husband and I've gotten spoiled by all the space and actually having a yard! But there is something about the energy in NYC. Some of my closest friends still live there (including a beading buddy) so I get lots of excuses to visit. On one of my recent trips, my partner in bead-spending and I went shopping in the Bead District. My favorite stop was Beads World USA - I could have spent hours and lots of money there but I managed to restrain myself (a little).
Anyway, my friend and I found a huge section of cloisonne beads for sale and we had a blast browsing. I finally narrowed down my selections and picked some beauties. When I got back to Boston I had a blast turning them into earrings. I wound up making 7 pairs and most are accented with Swarovski crystals (another favorite type of bead). They're all listed in this section of our store but I've added some photos of one pair for instant gratification. I love the color combinations in this pair and the cloisonne design has a lovely floral and butterfly pattern that instantly drew me in.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What the heck are Weiswomen? Or more accurately, who are the Weiswomen? No need to wonder any longer - we’re a crafty Mother-Daughter duo - I’m Jennifer (the Daughter) and Judy is the Mother. I lives outside of Boston with my husband and Judy lives with her husband, another daughter (who is also pretty crafty) and a dog named Buddy. We have been crafting together for a long time and this shop is the culmination of several years of dreaming about starting our own business to sell the things we love to make. The start of the business was delayed by my adventures in graduate school but now that I finally finished my PhD so I can focus more on crafting.
This summer we took the plunge and Weiswomen Creations was born. You can find our online store right here. We've also hosted holiday shopping open houses.
I love lots of types of crafts but I focus primarily on making jewelry, especially colorful and fun earrings. Judy knits extraordinary items and makes beautiful cards and invitations. She’s also discovered Photoshop Elements and has been making some very cool customized pet photographs.
I'll be doing most of the blogging and I'm really looking forward to sharing (and showing off!) what we’ve been working on and what's going on in our world!