Competition (or, why our dog has 2 handmade Snuggies)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I teased you all recently with a photo of our dog in a handmade Snuggie. Here's another shot of the handsome devil in his lovely handcrafted garment:
Now, a rational person might wonder why I decided to sew my dog a fleece snuggie in the middle of the summer (and before you say I was cruel to the dog, he only had it on for a few minutes and we were in an air conditioned room). The story starts last October with a pumpkin decorating contest at my husband's company. A several day process of brainstorming, craft supply shopping, painting, and bedazzling led to this beauty:It was shiny and pretty and sparkly and had geeky, pumpkin-related humor. It didn't win. I vowed never to enter the contest again. Then they announced a new contest - a photo contest featuring employees and their family members wearing company swag. My super-competitive nature started kicking in. I had taking sewing classes this year. McCall's had just released a new pattern for snuggie-like blankets. Joann Fabrics was having a sale on McCall's patterns that weekend. It was like the perfect storm. So I got the pattern and some test fabric and in a few hours Bunk had a snazzy new garment. My husband helpfully provided me with a company-themed fleece blanket and now a photo of Bunk in his logo-adorned snuggie has been entered in the contest. If we don't win for that I swear I'm not entering more company contests. Until the next time of course.